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        COVITAS?Vitamin H (D-biotin)

        Products Introduction


        CAS No.:58-85-5

        Description:A white or off-white crystalline powder


        Packaging:1kg/aluminium tin,2tins/carton;20kg/drum

        Storage:Store in tight containers in dry place.

        Dietary Supplements:drop,emulsion,hard-gel capsule

        Food:biscuits/cookie, bread, cake, cereal,cheese, noodle

        Infant Nutrition:infant cereal, infant formula powder, infant purees, liquid infant formula


        Others:fortification milk


        D-Biotin 5% SD

        CAS No.:58-85-5



        Storage:Sensitive to moisture, oxygen, heat and light. It should be stored in the original unopened containers at a temperature below 25°C.Once opened, use contents quickly. Store in a cool, dry place.

        Dietary Supplements:hard-gel capsule

        Food:biscuits/cookie, bread, cake, cereal,cheese, noodle


        D-Biotin 2% SD CWS/S

        CAS No.:58-85-5



        Storage:Sensitive to moisture, oxygen, heat and light. It should be store in the original unopened containers at a temperature below 25°C.Once opened, use contents quickly. Store in a cool, dry place.

        Dietary Supplements:drop, emulsion,hard-gel capsule

        Food:biscuits/cookie, bread, cake, cereal,cheese, noodle

        Infant Nutrition:infant cereal, infant formula powder, infant purees, liquid infant formula

        Others:fortification milk

        Standards/certificate:"ISO22000/14001/45001  USP*FCC*  Kosher、Halal、BRC"

        D-Biotin 1% SD

        CAS No.:58-85-5



        Storage:Sensitive to moisture, oxygen, heat and light. It should be store in the original unopened containers at a temperature below 25°C.Once opened, use contents quickly. Store in a cool, dry place.

        Dietary Supplements:hard-gel capsule

        Food:biscuits/cookie, bread, cake, cereal,cheese, noodle

        Standards/certificate:"ISO22000/14001/45001、USP*FCC*  Kosher、Halal、BRC"


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