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        Nutritional enhancement

        Nutritional enhancement

        NHU is committed to the global cause of enhancing human nutrition and health, helping to eliminate invisible hunger, providing daily nutrition for impoverished areas, and achieving sustainable development. Micronutrient deficiencies can bring many harms to the human body. For example, the lack of vitamin A can damage the immune system.

        The countermeasures for micronutrient deficiency mainly include five aspects: dietary structure, nutritional knowledge, food fortification, supplements, and others. Among them, food fortification is the most economical, controllable, and sustainable solution.

        With a more targeted and professional nutrition solution portfolio, NHU serves the market and customers in a more customized way. It has participated in projects in more than 30 countries/regions, providing professional solutions to South Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and other regions. With our high-quality products and services, we helped people in these areas get rid of the various hazards caused by nutritional deficiencies and contributed to the sustainable development of all mankind.


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