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        Vitamin B5

        Products Introduction

        Basic information

        Vitamin B5, also known as calcium D-pantothenate or D-pantothenic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. As one of the world’s largest vitamin manufacturers, NHU provides high quality vitamin B5 products.

        Edges of NHU

        The world’s first bio-fermented calcium D-pantothenate product: Produced by microbial fermentation, equivalent to the natural source for the product; Short routing, proven technology, successfully commercialized.

        Green process and environmental protection : 92% reduction in water consumption and 16% reduction in energy consumption compared to chemical synthesis methods;Using renewable resources as raw materials and excluding hazardous chemicals such as hexachlorocyclohexane, hexachlorocyanide, and sulfuric acid.

        Excellent product quality: High stability and mixability, minimizing the destruction of vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, oils and other nutrients in the feed, thus improving feed quality;High utilization rate, effectively improving absorption and utilization, higher biological value, lower emission and environmental pollution;High safety, no adverse effects on organ indexes and blood biochemical indexes of livestock and poultry, certified by authoritative third-party. 

        Products Recommended


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